Triple Threat Asbestos Removal No Match for Soils and Stone

A time critical project, an inner-city central location and a site contaminated with three types of asbestos. This was no ordinary hazardous muck-away project!

Asbestos is a term for a group of minerals made of microscopic fibres. Before its dangers were known, asbestos was a popular building material. It was often used as an insulator in walls and roofs. Although banned in 1999, any building built before the year 2000 can contain asbestos.

Taking account of both strict government legislation for the safe and proper disposal of asbestos and the health and safety concerns of those working on site, Soils and Stone needed to develop a programme of works that managed the logistics of handling and transporting asbestos efficiently and safely but worked within tight site time constraints.

Working with asbestos site experts who we partner with on similarly scoped projects, a plan quickly evolved.  Due to the building’s inner-city location, timed removals were put in place. This would not only regulate the management and movement of this hazardous muck away but also provide our client with a clear plan of how the programme would be completed on time and within budget.

“Working with hazardous muck away is a regular occurrence at Soils and Stone. The team are experienced and know the best methods to achieve the right results. We know we need to adhere to the correct legislation and protocols to ensure our client’s expectations are met but we pride ourselves in looking at innovative ways to make sure we complete on time. However, safety always comes first and going into a project with the correct procedures already in place definitely helps to keep things running smoothly.” – Ozzy Cecil, MD at Soils and Stone.

Posted on: 6 March 2019

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